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Customize your home screen to include your favorite information like time, weather and news

Customize your home screen to include your favorite information like time, weather and news

Vote: (5 votes)

Program license: Free

Developer: HipLogic

Version: 1.0.1

Works under: Android

Also available for Windows Mac


Program license

(5 votes)






Works under:

Also available for


Windows Mac


  • Share files with fellow workers
  • Create designs together
  • Receive notifications about updates


  • Doesn't work with some devices
  • Difficult to change from video to audio

Use the app to get tasks done with people you work with in the business or even at school.

Make sure everyone is on the same page when it comes to the work that is done in the office with Spark. It's also a way to encourage workers to get jobs completed in a timely manner. There are several helpful tools that the app offers. Video messages make it easy to see the people you're working with even when you're not all in the office at one time. The video and picture quality is good, but it could use some improvements in the sound department as it can be hard to hear the other person unless the volume is turned all the way up on the device.

You can send private messages, or you can get several people together for a group message. The app works best if you keep the group to about 10 as more people added to the conversation can make it hard to keep track of what everyone is saying. Share files so that everyone has the same information to work with along with video clips and pictures. The team can create and share ideas before going back to the office, working together instead of assigning certain parts of the project to different people on the team. There is a whiteboard for everyone to draw on and display their thoughts in one place before getting started on the final project. You can access the app from almost anywhere, making it ideal for those who work in different cities but for the same company.


  • Share files with fellow workers
  • Create designs together
  • Receive notifications about updates


  • Doesn't work with some devices
  • Difficult to change from video to audio

*Spark is an app for the Android operating system that works to combine many of the most useful features of the device into a single platform available on the home screen. Surfing the web, texting, and calling are all combined with social media updates, news casts, weather forecasts, and much more. The app allows users to reconfigure their home screen with whatever tools they would like, and it brings total control of the phone into one single location. The app is still being tested, so it remains fairly unpolished, but it has quite a bit of potential for customizing the Android experience.